

Steal the Email Strategy Top Brands Use to Maximise Revenue in the Biggest Sale Event of the Year.

the deets to know...

Register now to discover how email marketing can drive massive sales during BFCM, without overwhelming your lean team.


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Live Webinar



For years, founders and lean teams have been missing out on BFCM sales because they lacked a strong email strategy.

Sound familiar?

In just 30 minutes, we’ll reveal exactly what top brands do to dominate BFCM with email and why it's the most crucial channel for your success—no more guessing, no more missed opportunities.

By the end, you’ll know the key strategies needed to unlock your sales potential and have the CONFIDENCE and CLARITY to crush it this BFCM.

This is your moment—let’s make it count!

Sound familiar?

In just 30 minutes, I’ll reveal exactly what top brands do to dominate BFCM with email and why it's the most crucial channel for your success—no more guessing, no more missed opportunities.

By the end, you’ll know the key strategies needed to unlock your sales potential and have the CONFIDENCE and CLARITY to crush it this BFCM.
This is your moment—let’s make it count!

the Biggest Problem Lean Teams and Founders Face During BFCM

Lean teams are buried under the pressure of managing multiple marketing channels.

Founders often overlook the power of email marketing, focusing instead on paid ads and social media.

With only 8 weeks until BFCM, waiting to prepare your email strategy could mean lost revenue.

featured in


Invest in project-based training and get real results, just like these guys....

Skyrocket your
growth 🚀


in revenue
over 30 days

Unlock NPS
results 🤝


increase in
NPS over 12

Unleash the
power of
email 📧


increase in email
revenue in 90 days

Gain speed and


increase in
speed to
with project

massive sale
results 📈


in additional
revenue booked
in 90 Days

Improve your conversion
rates 💹


increase in

🙌 The Stats Speak for Themselves:

Why Email Marketing is the Game-Changer for BFCM Success:

Businesses who use email marketing, make over 20% of their annual revenue during BFCM.

Email marketing delivers a 122% higher ROI than other channels.

In 2023, 68% of BFCM shoppers preferred receiving promotions via email.

🙌 The Stats Speak for Themselves:

Why Email Marketing is the Game-Changer for BFCM Success:

Businesses who use email marketing, make over 20% of their annual revenue during BFCM.

Email marketing delivers a 122% higher ROI than other channels.

In 2023, 68% of BFCM shoppers preferred receiving promotions via email.

🚫 The Risk of Ignoring Email:

Without a solid email strategy, you’re missing out on the chance to:

Engage with your audience at key moments.

Reduce ad spend and boost customer retention.

Your missing out on the chance to curate a personalised experience for your customers.

🚫 The Risk of Ignoring Email:

Without a solid email strategy, you’re missing out on the chance to:

Engage with your audience at key moments.

Reduce ad spend and boost customer retention.

Your missing out on the chance to curate a personalised experience for your customers..

What You Will Learn in This Webinar

Join us for this 30-minute webinar and walk away with actionable strategies to ensure your BFCM email marketing drives the results you need. Here’s what you’ll learn:

How to Build an Email Strategy That Converts:

Discover how to create email campaigns that resonate with your audience and turn interest into sales.

The Secret to Increasing Your BFCM Revenue with Email:

We’ll show you the techniques top brands use to boost their revenue by 20-35% during BFCM.

Implement Automation to Save Time and Maximise Results:

Learn how to automate your emails for key eCommerce flows, so you can engage.

The Right Timing and Frequency for BFCM Emails:

Find out how to schedule your emails at the optimal times during BFCM to avoid inbox fatigue while maximising engagement.

Personalisation Tactics that Drive Conversions:

We’ll teach you how to use personalisation to make every customer feel like your emails are speaking directly to them, driving higher open rates and conversions.

How to Test and Optimise for Continuous Improvement:

A/B testing techniques that will ensure your emails keep improving throughout the BFCM period.

What Happens When You Don’t Prioritise Email?

  • Lose the opportunity for personalised campaigns, which boost conversions by 10%.
  • Watch customer acquisition costs rise as your email list falls behind.
  • Competitors with strong email strategies will dominate the inbox, leaving you in the shadows.

watch how ‘Clothing the Gaps’ Increased Email Revenue From Welcome Flows By 1500% in 4 Months 😱

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